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Digitale programmaboek ‘Woven State’

Welkom bij 'Woven State'

Geacht publiek,

Welkom! NDT presenteert met genoegen een trio werken van William Forsythe (1949).

Deze drie werken zijn gekozen om een goed beeld te geven van Forsythe’s compositorische vaardigheden, met een focus op zelfregulerende, acapella structuren. Het programma belicht op prachtige wijze Forsythes tien jaar lange engagement met contrapunt, terwijl het inzicht verschaft in het vermogen van de choreograaf om de structuren die aan het klassieke ballet ten grondslag liggen formeel uit te breiden.

Deze avond zou niet mogelijk zijn geweest zonder de genereuze inzet van velen. Ik wil graag een speciaal woord van dank richten aan Bill voor zijn zorg en buitengewone artistieke inspiratie, aan Thom Willems en alle anderen die hebben meegewerkt voor hun passie en toewijding die ons steunden tijdens het leren en het belichamen van de drie werken, en aan onze NDT-dansers en het team voor hun ongelooflijke harde werk en nieuwsgierigheid.

Bedankt dat u er bij bent, het is een genoegen om u bij ons te hebben!

Emily Molnar
Artistiek directeur

'One Flat Thing, reproduced'. Dansers: Conner Bormann, Thalia Crymble. Foto (2021): Rahi Rezvani.


Dansers: Jon Bond, ensemble. Foto (2021): Rahi Rezvani.
Choreografie van William Forsythe

Ander Zabala, Ayman Harper, Cyril Baldy, Amancio Gonzalez

Ayman Harper

Lucas Crandall

Thom Willems

William Forsythe

3 december 2021, Nederlands Dans Theater, Amare, Den Haag

20 minuten

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Danser: Conner Bormann. Foto (2021): Rahi Rezvani.

Of Any If And

Dansers: Chloé Albaret, Scott Fowler. Foto (2021): Rahi Rezvani.
Choreografie van William Forsythe

Stefanie Arndt, Thomas McManus

Tamako Akiyama

Thom Willems

William Forsythe

Stephen Galloway

Dana Caspersen, William Forsythe

27 mei 1995, Ballet Frankfurt, Operahouse Frankfurt, Germany

25 minuten

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Dansers: Nicole Ishimaru, Luca Tessarini. Foto (2021): Rahi Rezvani.

One Flat Thing, reproduced

Dansers: Alexander Andison, Aram Hasler, Chloé Albaret. Foto (2021): Rahi Rezvani.
Choreografie van William Forsythe

Ayman Harper, Ander Zabala, Cyril Baldy, Amancio Gonzalez

Emily Molnar

Thom Willems

William Forsythe

Stephen Galloway

2 februari 2000, Ballet Frankfurt, Bockenheimer Depot, Frankfurt, Germany

15 minuten

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Dansers: Donnie Duncan Jr., Surimu Fukushi. Foto (2021): Rahi Rezvani.

Choreograaf William Forsythe

William Forsythe (1949) is al meer dan 50 jaar werkzaam in de wereld van choreografie. Zijn drie decennia werk voor zijn ensembles in Frankfurt oefende een aanzienlijke invloed uit op generaties kunstenaars in een breed scala aan creatieve praktijken.

Met een aanvankelijke focus op de organisatorische onderbouwing van academisch ballet, heeft Forsythe sinds 1991 zijn choreografische discours uitgebreid naar het veld van de beeldende kunst. Terwijl zijn werk voor het podium deel uitmaakt van het repertoire van ensembles over de hele wereld, zijn zijn installaties internationaal te zien in zowel musea als privécollecties. Forsythe heeft talloze onderscheidingen ontvangen, waaronder de Gouden Leeuw van de Biënnale van Venetië en Der Faust, beide voor levenslange prestaties.

Componist Thom Willems

De muziek van Thom Willems is voornamelijk gemaakt voor ballet. Hij werkt sinds 1985 samen met choreograaf William Forsythe, tot 2004 bij Ballett Frankfurt en vanaf 2005 bij The Forsythe Company.
Samen hebben ze meer dan 70 werken gemaakt.

Zijn muziek voor het werk van William Forsythe staat op het repertoire van vrijwel elk groot balletgezelschap ter wereld, waaronder The Mariinsky Ballet, Bolshoi Ballet, New York City Ballet, San Francisco Ballet, National Ballet of Canada, Paris Opera Ballet, Teatro alla Scala Milano, Royal Ballet Covent Garden, Wiener Staatsoper, Semper Oper Dresden, Ballet de l’Opéra de Lyon en Nederlands Dans Theater (NDT) onder vele anderen. In totaal 71 gezelschappen in 29 landen.

Nicole on One Flat Thing, Reproduced:

“During the process of One Flat Thing, reproduced we’ve been working with counter points within the material and embodying specific mechanisms used to transmit impulses to one another in the space. With each day comes a new task to indulge, making One Flat Thing, reproduced a truly exciting and playful piece to be researching.

It’s been wonderful to have Ayman, Ander, Cyril, and Amancio who have brought us so much insight and creative energy into the work.”

Luca on Of Any If And:

“I cover up no lie when saying that Of Any If And ranks first place of the most demanding pieces I have had the privilege to dive into throughout my career so far. Be it the fact that this is the first time I am getting in close contact with William Forsythe’s language and approach, just a glimpse into his cosmos I dare to say and or the naked truth of this piece presenting an entire unknown sphere of its own.

Having started the process two months ago by watching a recording of the original cast, Dana Caspersen and Thomas McManus, had my heart skip multiple beats for many reasons. The infinite universe that’s being created by the artists on and off stage, the sheer vulnerability and artistic honesty ‘O-A-I-A’ sustains or simply put, the undeniable challenge that it births through every moment, called me instantly and as an adrenalin junkie myself, I could not wait to see where this beautiful beast was going to take us in the studio and ultimately on stage, too.

The language offered us space and room to evolve day in, day out. It has been the most rewarding gift to set my entire body and mind toward growing from within along with my partner Nicole Ishimaru, a force of nature I hold dear to me.

I look forward immensely to embarking this 23 minute long research Of Any If And on stage. It truly has been and will be one heck of a ride.
I quote Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, stated by Sherlock Holmes to sum up my thoughts: “Once you eliminate the impossible, whatever remains, no matter how improbable, must be the truth.”

I am forever grateful for the metamorphic journey that Stefanie Arndt and Thomas McManus have taken us on.”

Luca en Nicole (Ishimaru) in 'Of Any If And'. Foto (2021): Rahi Rezvani.

Chuck on N.N.N.N.N.N.N.N.N.N.N.N.:

“This is my first time diving into the world of William Forsythe. I’ve been excited and eager to explore his movement vocabulary and modalities. The process of N.N.N.N.N.N.N.N.N.N.N.N. has been an unusual and unforgettable adventure. Originally this piece is performed by 4 dancers. In this version for NDT, Forsythe decided to have 12 dancers onstage. Due to this radical change we have had the opportunity to work with him in the studio and onstage via Zoom. His ideas about dance and how it relates to life are beautifully complex yet simple. This entire experience has been a highlight of my career with NDT.”

Chuck (helemaal links) in 'N.N.N.N.N.N.N.N.N.N.N.N.'. Foto (2021): Rahi Rezvani.

Nicole on Of Any If And:

“Working on Of Any if And has really challenged me in ways I have not yet experienced in my career. I have always admired William Forsythe’s work and being in a process as intimate as this one will definitely stay with me for years to come. Dancing this duet is deliciously intense, it transports me into a different state of existing between reality and the land of memory. There is a unique combination of abandonment, precision and risk required in the shaping and describing of the physical language, it demands a lot of agency and trust between Donnie and I, but it’s this attention to intention that keeps us suspended in the present.

It has been such an honour to work with Stefanie Arndt and Thomas McManus, they both have emboldened us to dive in deeper than we thought possible and to really become experts of the Of Any if And world.”

Charlie on One Flat Thing, reproduced:

“It begins!

An orchestrated field of action, dispersing or collecting it’s elements into organized synchrony or interplay. But never disorder. Inside this field of action is a deeply woven net of understanding; the bodies within it are forming and dis-forming as an internally dependent system.

To be a body inside holds a powerful and fleeting responsibility to the rest of the system.  Our action at every moment is aligning with or counterpointing someone else’s.

In other words, dancing in this work makes me feel an immense amount of worth. One Flat Thing, reproduced asks (and allows) us to move within in a system of trust, sensibility, and a larger consciousness.

Because of this, Forsythe’s work reveals an abstracted model that reflects our own systems in society.”

Nicole (Ward) samen met Donnie Duncan Jr. in 'Of Any If And'. Foto (2021): Rahi Rezvani.
Charlie (in het midden vooraan) in 'N.N.N.N.N.N.N.N.N.N.N.N.'. Dansers: Theophilus Veselý, Charlie Skuy, Chuck Jones, Yukino Takaura. Foto (2021): Rahi Rezvani.


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