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NDT 1 & NDT 2
Sol León & Paul Lightfoot
Crystal Pite
Marco Goecke

Unfortunately the performances of Kunstkamer in Paris, London, Madrid and Baden Baden have been cancelled as a result of the updated measures taken by the National Government against the spread of the coronavirus. Click here to get the latest information.

Season 2019-2020 opens with the anniversary programme Kunstkamer to celebrate sixty years of NDT! NDT’s house choreographers Sol León and Paul Lightfoot and both associate choreographers, Crystal Pite and Marco Goecke, will create a full-evening programme together in which all dancers from both NDT 1 and NDT 2 share the stage.

Kunstkamer is an extraordinary tribute to the trajectory of the company within the art of dance for the past six decades. Inspired by Albertus Seba’s The Cabinet of Natural Curiosities (1734), the choreographers use the stage to be their own Kunstkamer that presents NDT as its own multifaceted ‘Company of Curiosities’.

After its Dutch premiere, this exceptional programme will travel to London, Madrid, Paris and Baden-Baden.

The performances will be accompanied live by: Het Balletorkest.

We thank Kommer en Josien Damen, the Brook Foundation, Stichting Vrienden NDT and Vrienden that helped to make this programme possible.

Performance dates

Season 2019-2020 | October 3, 2019 – July 12, 2020
The Hague, Amsterdam,
Cancelled: Paris, Madrid, London and Baden Baden

In this performance

Present and past coincide perfectly. Nederlands Dans Theater could not have wished for a better homage to its own history.

Theaterkrant (2019)
about Kunstkamer



Kunstkamer is therefore primarily a fantastic showcase for the incredibly gifted dancers of Nederlands Dans Theater – who also turn out to be commendable singers.

NRC (2019)
about Kunstkamer

In an attractive dance language, which is solid and organic, with spacious, clear lines, Pite makes patterns and qualities visible that the choral singing of Shaw offers as well.

about Partita for 8 Dancers

Programme booklet & Music

Programme booklet (NDT 1 & NDT 2 | Kunstkamer)
