For the dancer in each of us

Everyone is a dancer. At NDT, we’re sure of it. Not only does dance have the ability to get people moving, but it also connects and inspires them – and we do everything in our power to make that happen. That’s why we organize activities that enable dancers to thrive, both on and off stage. For professionals and enthusiasts, no matter where they’re from.

From projects and performances for young dance talent and students to pre-show talks with audiences. From collaborations with social organizations to imaginative dance workshops for teens and young adults in refugee centres. Together, we work on creating unforgettable experiences, creative opportunities, and space to discover and develop talent.

Photos: Sacha Grootjans


For questions or comments, please contact the Talent Development & Education Department.

+3170 88 00 146 (during work hours)


I saw the children enjoying themselves so much! When they were allowed to dance themselves, I saw that the movements were inspired by the choreography danced by NDT’s dancers. Wonderful to see!

Supervisor children in asylum centre

Our team

Eva Monen

Manager Talent development & Education

Lucie de Haas

Talent development & Education

Iris Binnerts

Talent development & Education

Saskia Bosman

Talent development & Education

Desirée Veraart

Talent development & Education

Janneke Wienen

IT Manager | Talent development & Education

Jelle Verhoeff

Talent development & Education

Evelien Riemens

Medewerker Talentontwikkeling & Educatie

Linda van Dijk

Talent development & Education

Freelance dance teachers, moderators and dancers

Kiki Boot
Emma de Bruin
Anne-Sophie Buset
Merel Caminada
Aurélie Cayla
Alessia Crema
Lotte Dekkers
Patricia van Deutekom
Tyrone Dikmoet
Ine Dubois
Yvan Dubreuil

Cesar Faria Fernandes
Shaquille George
Alinde Haan
Annefloor Imhoff
Dimitri Kolokouri
Alexandra Loembé
Mirjam Midderham
Laura van der Minnen
Emmeline Mooij
Christie Partelow
Rimke Saan

Ayşe Nur Salli
Valentina Scaglia
Lenna Schouten
Ari Tazelaar
Kirsten van Tol
Alicia Vaseo
Louelle van Veen
Eline van de Walle
Rachel de Wolff
Katarina van den Wouwer
Linda Zandbergen

Reporting transgressive behaviour

At Nederlands Dans Theater, we recognise the special responsibility we bear for the safety and well-being of children participating in our activities. We are committed to creating a safe and supportive environment in which children can develop physically, emotionally and mentally.

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