Executive Director Willemijn Maas leaves NDT

13 September 2024

Executive Director Willemijn Maas has decided to leave Nederlands Dans Theater (NDT) as of January 1st, 2025. Willemijn has been committed to NDT for over 5.5 years.

Willemijn: “I’ve found, and still find, it very enjoyable and challenging to work at NDT, but it is time for me to move on. It is with great pride that I look back on what we have achieved in recent years. For two periods, we’ve received a positive result for our Arts Plan. We went through a move to a new building. The time of the pandemic brought us a lot of innovation in the digital field. I am very happy and proud of everyone at NDT. Therefore, I am confident about the future.

I will be looking for a new challenge as a freelancer after my handover.”


In collaboration with Colourful People, NDT’s Supervisory Board will search for a suitable successor in the coming period.

Want to know more? You can read the full vacancy text on Colourful People’s website.

Read the vacancy (in Dutch)

Photo: Sacha Grootjans