Reporting transgressive behaviour

Reporting transgressive behaviour

At Nederlands Dans Theater, we recognise our special responsibility to ensure the safety and well-being of children who participate in our activities. We are committed to creating a safe and supportive environment where children are facilitated to develop on a physical, emotional and mental level.

If, as a parent/caregiver of a participant, you encounter transgressive behavior (such as bullying, discrimination, aggression and violence, (sexual) harassment) or (suspected) abuse) take the steps below:

  • If possible for you, address the person concerned about the behaviour.
    If this does not (sufficiently) resolve the situation:
  • Speak to the teacher of the activity in question.
    Is the situation not (sufficiently) resolved with this:
  • Speak to a member of staff from the Talent Development & Education (T&E) team.
    Is the situation not (sufficiently) resolved with this:
  • Make a report to NDT via the report button on the website: You can report to:
    – The manager of the T&E department
    – The NDT confidential advisor (for advice and support)
    – The NDT management

