Keren Leiman

Keren Leiman

Dance has always been a way for me to connect to people. To my friends, to strangers in an audience and to myself. It is an escape and a way to express, very precisely, the big, abstract emotions inside of myself. Also, as a kid, my number one goal was to grow up to be a fairy and live in a fantasy world and dance was the closest thing I could get to that. – Keren


Date of birth
October 4 1994

Place of birth


Balletschule Theater Basel [2011 – 2013]

Professonial experience
Zurich Ballet [2013-2015]
State Theater Hanover [2015-2018]
Dancer with NDT 1 since August 2018

Keren together with NDT 1 dancers in Hofesh Shechter's 'From England with Love' (2021). Photo: Rahi Rezvani
Keren and Boston Gallacher in 'I wonder where the dreams I don't remember go' (2020) by Yoann Bourgeois. Photo: Rahi Rezvani.