Growing up as a dancer, l’ve come to realize that the studio is truly the space where l’ve been able to develop and find myself – not only as an artist but also very much as a person.
Choosing to be a dancer, and demonstrating yourself and your art in this way, means being open to a certain kind of personal vulnerability.
I feel so grateful to be able to share that experience and that state with the incredible artists around me, and in such an inspiring space such as NDT.
– Femmie
Switch '25
Ieder jaar organiseren de dansers van NDT 1 en NDT 2 Switch: een uniek programma volledig samengesteld door de dansers, waarvan de gehele opbrengst naar een goed doel gaat. De editie van 2025 vindt plaats op 18 januari.
Figures in Extinction
Het complete drieluik van Simon McBurney, Artistiek Directeur van Complicité, en NDT associate choreograaf Crystal Pite, gedanst door NDT 1.