i am inside a humble creative life here, with all its rewards and challenges. i hold sacred the privilege to live this. to feel purpose through an art form; as daily practice, as ritual — for self, for community. the heart of what keeps me showing up in the honest work it takes to dance, to choreograph, to perform. for this, i know depth, possibility, fear, courage, aliveness. keeps me damn humbled that’s for sure. also keeps me dreaming. i hold these gifts close. perhaps they are a sort of heartbeat of hope in the large disorder of life and world. – Lea
Switch '25
Ieder jaar organiseren de dansers van NDT 1 en NDT 2 Switch: een uniek programma volledig samengesteld door de dansers, waarvan de gehele opbrengst naar een goed doel gaat. De editie van 2025 vindt plaats op 18 januari.
Figures in Extinction
Het complete drieluik van Simon McBurney, Artistiek Directeur van Complicité, en NDT associate choreograaf Crystal Pite, gedanst door NDT 1.