The relationship between a dancer and their audience during a performance is a very special one. It is an unspoken agreement where the dancer agrees to give their whole self to the work. For the duration of the performance, it is the dancer giving generously, and the audience receiving. Through movement I try to reach the essence of what someone is trying to say. To get closer and closer to what that truly is I commit hours in the studio. To make sure my efforts translate, and the audience has a takeaway from it is my wish for every moment I spend on stage. It is a gift that I get to research this and delve in further in a space as vibrant as NDT. – Omani.
Switch '25
Ieder jaar organiseren de dansers van NDT 1 en NDT 2 Switch: een uniek programma volledig samengesteld door de dansers, waarvan de gehele opbrengst naar een goed doel gaat. De editie van 2025 vindt plaats op 18 januari.
NDT Online
Bekijk het NDT 2-programma Lucid Variations ook als video on demand in Digitaal Theater.