What I love about dance is the play between the act of conjuring a state of existence and purely existing within it. In my view, to perform is to do both. To tell a story and be a story. To discover what it’s like to exist within a body and also know very well. To steer the wheel of your imagination and let go completely. It’s to do the thing and be it too. There’s joy in the attempt of doing both at once, while also connecting with a viewer. I think there’s a sweet spot where someone can live through your experience within their own body, creating an exchange that is somehow so innate and vital. To me, it is the most unconditional form of unity we have. – Scott
Switch '25
Ieder jaar organiseren de dansers van NDT 1 en NDT 2 Switch: een uniek programma volledig samengesteld door de dansers, waarvan de gehele opbrengst naar een goed doel gaat. De editie van 2025 vindt plaats op 18 januari.
Figures in Extinction
Het complete drieluik van Simon McBurney, Artistiek Directeur van Complicité, en NDT associate choreograaf Crystal Pite, gedanst door NDT 1.