I always enjoy working with creators in the studio. It is always interesting when they bring something new. Something I never experienced before and especially something that pushes me out of my comfort zone and beyond my habits. I really enjoy digging deep into the work and almost losing myself in it. It is a journey and you don‘t know where it takes you, but you will come out as a different person. When we bring it on stage we invite the audience to come on a ride with us, and we are able to share our experience and make them feel part of it as well. – Theophilus
Switch '25
Ieder jaar organiseren de dansers van NDT 1 en NDT 2 Switch: een uniek programma volledig samengesteld door de dansers, waarvan de gehele opbrengst naar een goed doel gaat. De editie van 2025 vindt plaats op 18 januari.
Figures in Extinction
Het complete drieluik van Simon McBurney, Artistiek Directeur van Complicité, en NDT associate choreograaf Crystal Pite, gedanst door NDT 1.